Friday, May 22, 2009

A Whole Year of Shiny and Happy

This week we're celebrating the 1st anniversary of the ShinyHappyVloggyPPL, the super-fun weekly-themed collab channel I'm a part of. I've had a lot of fun with these people over the past year. I'm not so good at expressing my feelings, but I gave it a shot in this "looking back" mash-up montage video I made:

Thanks for a fantastic year, guys. Thanks for making my day five times a week.
Love, Me

Really good movie that you should never, EVER watch with a parent: The Reader

P.S. I think about SHVP every time I'm at work because the R.E.M. "Shiny Happy People" song is on our trailer tape this month. So throughout my whole shift I'm singing, "Shiny happy people haaaaaaands." Well, my whole shift except for when the tape gets to "Livin' on a Prayer." That song trumps any other in get-stuck-in-your-head-itude.

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